UltimateClubSite.co.uk provides a great deal of control over your website, allowing you to add any page layout from a vast range of modules, at any time. Pricing is based upon the modules used to build your websites, meaning that you only pay for what you actually use.

Although it is possible to build a website from scratch, we have defined a number of layout templates that represent typical websites created with UltimateClubSite.co.uk. These not only to help you get started, but also to give an indication as to how much a fully functioning website will cost.
Layout Template Costs
Further details about our Layout Templates can be found on our Templates page.
Template Title
Price per month (£)
Club - Basic Shop
Club - Standard
Club - Standard Shop
Club - Basic
Custom Pages / Module Cost
Further details about our Custom Pages / Modules can be found on our Modules page.
Module Name
Price per month (£)
Address List
The Address List module allows you to create lists of addresses. You have the facility to upload text, pictures, set attributes as well as a url for each address.
The Blog module allows you to maintain your own Web-log, with end-user comments appearing straight away or only after review by you.
Contact Us
The Contact Us page provides a facility for the website visitor to send a message to you via a simple form.
The Download module allows you to place documents on the website that an enduser is then able to download. Possible uses include CV's, wall papers, technical documents and much more.
The Events module allows you to list up and coming events. Information including the details, location and dates can be set and the enduser is able to use an online form to request further information.
The FAQ module allows you to display a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Optional links at the top of the page allow the site visitor to jump directly to the respective answer and then further links provide a method of jumping back to the top.
Front Page
The Front Page module has been created to be used as the home page for a website. It features up to two lines of text and pictures. A title and text can be placed at the bottom of the page if desired and you are able to create links using uploaded graphics that are placed at the foot of the page. Optionally, events or news items can be set to appear to the right of the main page text via the Events or News Page modules.
Front Page Circle
The Front Page Circle module has been created to be used as the home page for a website. It features a circular menu overlaid on top of a graphic. A title and text can be placed at the bottom of the page if desired and you are able to create links using uploaded graphics that are placed at the foot of the page. Optionally, events or news items can be set to appear to the right of the menu graphic via the Events or News Page modules.
Front Page Links
The Front Page Links module has been created to be used as the home page for a website. It features text overlaid on top of a graphic. A title and text can be placed at the bottom of the page if desired and you are able to create links using uploaded graphics that are placed at the foot of the page. Optionally, events or news items can be set to appear to the right of the menu graphic via the Events or News Page modules.
Google Maps
The  Google Maps module allows you to define a marker point which is then displayed in the centre of a map. The use of the Google Maps feature is covered under the following Terms and Conditions.
The Graph Page page provides a facility for you to display numerical data in a bar graph format.
Guest Book
The Guest Book module allows website visitors to post comments, which are then displayed in date order, either automatically or after review.
Holding Page
The Holding Page module features a graphic that is positioned in the center of the screen, plus the facility to add menu options at the bottom of the screen. It has been designed to allow customisable domain holding pages to be created.
The Index Page module simply lists all active pages within the website in a similar way to a book index. Additionally, two rows of text and pictures may be added to the top of the page.
The Links module provides a facility for you to create a page of useful links. The attribute names are set via the Control Panel only while the link title and url can also be set through the Management Console.
List Item (Multiple)
The List Item (Multiple) module allows you to create lists of items that are linked to one or more menu entries. The facility has been provided to upload text and pictures, plus the ability to set each item to be 'available' or 'unavailable'. If 'available', the enduser is able to request further information regarding the selected item via an online form.The list item functionality is also available in another form by using the List Item (Single) module.
List Item (Single)
The List Item (Single) module allows you to create lists of itemsand to upload text and pictures, plus the ability to set each item to be 'available' or 'unavailable'. If 'available', the enduser is able to request further information regarding the selected item via an online form.The list item functionality is also available in another form by using the List Item (Multiple) module.
Menu (Below)
The Menu (Below) module provides a facility for you to build a hierarchical page structure by allowing links to other pages to be added at the bottom of the screen.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Menu (Choice)
The Menu (Choice) module provides a facility for you to build a hierarchical page structure by allowing two links to other pages to be added to the page.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Menu (Image Map)
The Menu (Image Map) module provides a facility for you to build a hierarchical page structure by allowing links to other pages to be added, using host spots on the image at the top of the page.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Menu (Middle)
The Menu (Middle) module provides a facility for you to build a hierarchical page structure by allowing links to other pages to be added to between the main page text and the subscript title, in the middle of the screen.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Menu (Next / Picture Behind)
The Menu (Next / Picture Behind) module provides a facility for you to build a series of pages by placing a 'next page' link at the bottom right of the page. For interest, the main page text is overlaid on top of a graphic.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel
Menu (Next)
The Menu (Next) module provides a facility for you to build a series of pages by placing a 'next page' link at the bottom right of the page.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Menu (Right)
The Menu (Right) module provides a facility for you to build a hierarchical page structure by allowing links to other pages to be added to the right of the screen.All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
News Front Page
The News Front Page module allows up to two lines of text and pictures to be displayed, followed by news headlines which have been created in the News Page module.
News Letter
The News Letter module provides a facility for you to send out news content via e-mail. The content can also be viewed by the enduser when visiting the website.
News Page
The News Page module allows you to list news items in a table format down the page.
Photo (Front Page One)
The Photo (Front Page One) module has been created to be used as the home page for a photographer website. A random picture taken from one of the Photo Gallery modules is displayed with user definable text.
Photo (Front Page Two)
The Photo (Front Page One) module has been created to be used as the home page for a photographer website. A random picture taken from one of the Photo Gallery modules is displayed along with user definable text and textual links to every user defined gallery.
Photo (Gallery All)
The Photo Gallery (All) module is used in conjunction with the the other Photo Gallery modules. All galleries that exist on the website are displayed in one place. The Gallery links allow the website visitor to drill down to the individual photograps.
Photo (Gallery One)
The Photo (Gallery One) module allows you to upload images and text, then define them in virtual galleries. Similar functionality is provided by the Photo (Gallery Two) module. It should be noted that his module will only hold upto 200 photographs, although it can be linked to our Shop (Basket) module.
Photo (Gallery Two)
The Photo (Gallery Two) module allows you to upload images and text, then define them in virtual galleries. Similar functionality is provided by the Photo (Gallery One) module. It should be noted that his module will only hold upto 200 photographs, although it can be linked to our Shop (Basket) module.
Photo (Latest)
The Photo (Latest) module is used in conjunction with the other Photo Gallery modules. The page displays upto the 50 most recently uploaded or edited pictures.
Photo (Pricing)
The Photo (Pricing) module is used in conjunction with the other Photo Gallery modules and lists the prices and image formats that have been defined defined.
Picture Gallery
The Picture Gallery module allows you to catagorise and then display photographs in an easy to navigate format. The cost per month reflects that fact that image size is restricted and there is no shopping basket facility in this module.
The Redirect module is used to redirect the website visitor to an external website. This can either be within the mainpage space (ie retaining the enduser top and left bars) or by replacing the full window with the new site.
Shop (Basket)
The Shopping Basket module displays the contents of an enduser's shopping basket and provides the facility to select a delivery method and then to check out. It is used in conjunction with the Shop (Front Page), Shop (Multiple), Shop (Sale Page), Shop (Single) and all {Photo} modules.
Shop (Front Page)
The Shop (Front Page) module is one of a series of online shop modules. It displays pictures and summary text of items that you wish to sell in a grid format, and is used in conjunction with the Shop (Single), Shop (Multiple), Shop (Sale Page) and Shopping Basket modules.A title and text can be placed at the bottom of the page if desired and you are able to create links using uploaded graphics that are placed at the foot of the page. Optionally, events or news items can be set to appear to the right of the shop items via the Events or News Page modules.
Shop (List)
The Shop (List) module is one of a series of online shop modules. It displays items that you wish to sell in a space minimised list, plus provide the possibility to purchase items directly from the main screen.
Shop (Multiple)
The Shop (Multiple) module is one of a series of online shop modules. It allows you to create one or more product collections, create products for sale and then assign each product to a collection. The enduser is then able to browse and buy catogrised products.The module is used in conjunction with the Shop (Front Page), Shop (Single), Shop (Sale Page) and Shopping Basket modules.
Shop (Sale Page)
The Shop (Sale Page) module is used in conjunction with the Shop (Front Page), Shop (Single) and Shop (Multiple) modules to display items that have been marked as sale stock.
Shop (Search)
The Shop (Search) module is one of a series of online shop modules. It allows an enduser to search the shop item database, with the results displayed in a space minimised list. It is possible to purchase items directly from the main screen or via a popup window that shows further details about the item.
Shop (Single)
The Shop (Single) module is one of a series of online shop modules. It displays items that you wish to sell in a list and is used in conjunction with the Shop (Front Page), Shop (Multiple), Shop (Sale Page) and Shopping Basket modules.
Standard (Alt Pics)
The Standard (Alt Pics) page allows up to ten lines of text and pictures to be displayed. All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set through via the Control Panel.
Standard (Pics Right)
The Standard (Pics Right) page allows main text to be positioned to the left of a vertical line and up to ten pictures and optional text to the right of the vertical line. All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Standard (Text - Pics)
The Standard (Text - Pics) page allows up to ten lines of text and pictures to be displayed (optionally) in a column format. All of the textual and pictorial content can only be set via the Control Panel.
Standard Left Bar
The Standard Left Bar appears on the left of the screen and contains links to the pages that comprise the website. It is possible to define more than one version of the menu structure.
Standard Top Bar
The Standard Top Bar appears at the top of the screen and contains links to the pages that comprise the website, as well as a logo and other graphics.
The Table module allows you to display information in a tabular format and can be used for such things as price lists or opening times. The table entries can be catagorised with the use of attributes and three different table layouts can be choosen by the site creator. The module supports up to 8 columns and both the width and text justification of each cell can be set.
Terms & Conditions
The Terms & Conditions module allows a large amount of text to be contained within a scrilling box, surround by further static content.
The Vacancy module displays jop adverts and provides the facilities for the website visitor to enquire, apply and / upload their CV.
The Webcam module allows you to publish a remote webcam image on your end-user website. Once defined, the image is collected automatically on a regular basis and an optional copy taken for viewing in a webcam archive.
Webcam Proxy
The Webcam Proxy module has been provided to allow an existing webcam feed to be reused and is provided at a greatly reduced price. This module is connected to a Webcam page, either within the current end-user website or one that exists within another website on your account. The existing webcam image and all associated archive history are displayed via the Webcam Proxy page displayed on this end-user website.
Webuser (Edit Own Details)
The Webuser (Edit Own Details) module is one of a collection that allows website visitors to register and then manage their accounts. This module allows them to update their details.
Webuser (Login)
The Webuser (Login) module is one of a collection that allows website visitors to register and then manage their accounts. This module allows them to log into the enduser website.
Webuser (Logout)
The Webuser (Logout) module is one of a collection that allows website visitors to register and then manage their accounts. This module allows them to finish their session by logging out of the end-user website..
Webuser (Password)
The Webuser (Password) module is one of a collection that allows website visitors to register and then manage their accounts. This module allows them to reset their passwords.
Webuser (Register)
The Webuser (Register) module is one of a collection that allows website visitors to register and then manage their accounts. This module allows them to register their details.